courier: frequency series


A sock designed for those who desire heightened sensitivity for maximum feel and control. The HiFi delivers sensations aligned with feeling it all, while being connected, alive, and in flow. These sensations combine to deliver an experience that harmonizes the relationship between your feet, shoes and ultimately your performance.

Cyclist pulling up Courier HiFi white socks for riding
Courier HiFi white socks
Night runner wearing Courier HiFi white socks
Cyclist pulling up Courier HiFi white socks for riding
Courier HiFi white socks
Night runner wearing Courier HiFi white socks

courier: frequency series


A sock designed for those who desire a comfort driven and cushioned fit. The Low-Fi delivers sensations grounded in feeling soothed, supported, hugged, and confident.
These sensations combine to deliver an experience that produces an element of cocooned confidence, supporting you through any ride or run day that you embark on.

Runner training in Courier black LoFi socks
Cyclist relaxing by bike wearing Courier black LoFi socks and white shoes
Night runner wearing Courier LoFi socks
Runner training in Courier black LoFi socks
Cyclist relaxing by bike wearing Courier black LoFi socks and white shoes
Night runner wearing Courier LoFi socks